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An introduction to Abilities, ratings, pools, for Investigation, General and Magick Abilities. What is a good or poor ability rating number for each.
These enable you to gather information, influence outcomes. Any rating in an IA shows a level of professional competence or natural talent.
These help you survive the world. They differ from IAs in that they provide points to alter dice rolls - more points put in the better the roll.
These help you survive the mystical and occult, although no God fearing man should be concerned with such.
Blessings cost. Curses pay. Both affect the narrative and PC behaviours. They do not operate as skills, they are description of what you are.
Starting possessions, Experience and Gloriana points.
Details to choose for the ‘Trained by Master Swordsman’ Blessing, and guidance on ‘Honour Code’ Curse with examples.